Global Wellposedness and Traveling Waves of Chemotaxis Models


主讲人:李彤 美国爱荷华大学数学系教授




主讲人介绍:李彤,The University of Iowa 数学系教授。本科毕业于北京大学数学系。 1992 年于 Courant Institute, NYU 获博士学位。2008 年担任 The University of Iowa 正教授。目前主要从事非线性守恒律、交通流、生物数学等方面的研究。

内容介绍:We study the existence and stability and instability of traveling wave solutions to systems of nonlinear conservation laws derived from the Keller-Segel model. We find oscillatory traveling wave solutions to an attractive chemotaxis system which are biologically relevant. Traveling wave solutions of chemotaxis models with growth are also investigated.